Trademark registration process takes minimum 6 month.
The Registrars issue a first documents called a filing notice (acknowledgment of trademark application with all the relevant information including date of receipts).
Trademark fees are as follows
= N$600.00 for the first class and N$480.00 for each additional class.
= N$ 500 Publication fees
= N$ 100 Registration certificates
Total N$ 1200.00
You can file a single application through the office of origin to WIPO and designate in each country you want protection.
Examination report – This can be an absolute refusal, conditional acceptance or a notice of acceptance.
No, all countries that are parties to the Paris convention prohibits the use of national flag as a trademark.
BIPA is only a registration authority and IP rights enforcement are the responsibility of the IP rights holder.
Application should relate to one invention or a group of inventions.
Description should disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear.
It must have claims which determine the scope
No, applicants should look for his/her own patent drafter
Patent application fees – N$ 1000 and N$ 500 for Utility model.
The purpose of a defensive name is to prevent the registration of another entity with that name, or a name as nearly resembling it; and once a defensive name is registered it will be protected for a period of 2 years, with a possible renewal of another 2 years ONLY. A defensive name is therefore not registered for the purpose of trading but only for the purpose of protecting a name, as stipulated in Section 49 (2) of the Companies Act, 2004.
In terms of the laws regulating the registration of businesses, BIPA is required to maintain a register of all registered entities, and such a register is open to the public for inspection. In order to gain access to such records, one must submit a request to BIPA by completing a ‘’file request form’’ at a BIPA Office or send an email to, and pay the associated fees. Thereafter, the records will be made available, for inspection at the office or on email. Due to the fact that BIPA does not maintain its own archive and document warehousing, the records are hosted off -premises and it takes about 3 to 5 days for a file to be delivered to BIPA.
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